
NomFarmhouse Package Volume 2
Nom du
Taille19,59 Mo
DescriptionOld farmhouse package with 3 farmhouses and a few sheds Contents: Farmhouse01 is old style, price: 50.000$ Category: Farmhouses Farmhouse02 is a large old style farm. One big area for machinery and a area for sheeps in the back, price: 100.000$ Category: Sheepbarn Farmhouse03 is a large old style farm. Space for 12 cows and some small storage space, price: 100.000$ Category: Cowbarn Bench for adding a sleeptrigger to your farmhouse, price: 100$ Category: farmhouses Shed 1a is a small shed with two doors, price: 5000$ Shed 1b is a small shed, but without the two doors, price: 5000$ Shed 2 is a larger shed without doors, price: 5000$ Shed 3 has a workshop area and space for machinery, price: 5000$ Because they're old, you don't need to spend a lot of money on the upkeep. Dailyupkeep for all: 50$ The planks are for all of them colourable